Personal development

Personal development can be understood in many ways. It can be a work on…

Heal phobias and panic attacks

Phobia is an extreme inappropriate reaction to stimulus. Very often phobias…

Stress, anxiety, neurosis control

Controlling the stress Level. People usually think, that stressful…

Addictions/Habits/ Smoking cessation

One’s habits, addictions or customs are automatically learned ways of behaviour…


Good health, both physical and psychical, is an essential component of…

Weight control

The very word diet carries the meaning of temporariness. Usually when one…

Solve sexual problems

Satisfying sex life is one of the vital elements of adult’s life. When…

Regression – Progression

Recalling of the events that are hidden under the level of one’s consciousness…


Every hypnosis is an autohypnosis because you let yourself enter into trance…

Hypnosis for children

Children. Both few years old and teenagers, are most likely to undergo…

Solve other problems

Posttraumatic stress disorder, stuttering, chronic fatigue syndrome, problems…

“People confuse happiness with momentary excitement. If you do not know your deep nature, you will not know what true happiness is.”

This site was designed to help you broaden your knowledge on hypnotherapy and help you to find the solution to your problem. You will find information on personal development opportunities, how to quit smoking easily and quickly, ways to overcome fears, depression, but also help with weight loss and many other useful information on hypnotherapy.

You will also find information on workshops, science and autohypnosis techniques. Cracow and Katowice are the cities where you can personally experience the wonderful effects of this extraordinary therapy. Both in Katowice and Cracow, you will be provided with professional and safe care from an experienced therapist.

So if your problem is anxiety, addiction, stress, phobia, depression, or maybe you cannot develop your full potential – I invite you to browse the site, and if you have additional questions, please use the Contact section.

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